Science Fiction, the Horror movie, Animation, and Fantasy are also possible genres.
科幻电影 、 恐怖片 、 动画 、 幻想片也是可行的范畴.
互联网Her curiosity got of her and she was still going to see that horror movie.
互联网And as in any good horror movie, what we don't see drives our imagination and actions.
而就像在任何一部优秀的恐怖电影中一样, 我们的想象和行为被我们所看不见的东西驱使着.
互联网May: Is it a horror movie?
阿美: 这是部恐怖电影 吗 ?
互联网We watched a horror movie together last night.
互联网The horror movie made the children's blood rnd cold.
互联网Do you mean that it's not just a Horror movie?
互联网I was scared to death by the horror movie.
互联网You can never imagine the cruelty, a challenge to the limits of human horror movie.
你永远无法想像的残酷, 一部挑战人性极限的恐怖电影.
互联网He looked like something out of a horror movie - lipstick on, tattoos all over his face.
他长得就像是从恐怖电影里出来的 —— 涂着口红, 满脸都是纹身.
互联网Mr. Carpenter is a horror movie director like his hero, Alfred Hitchcock.
互联网Watching this horror movie on TV has made me lose my appetite.
互联网to make a horror movie
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》Question 1 : do you like horror movie? Why?
问题 1: 你喜欢恐怖片 吗 ?为什么?
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